August 29, 2011

A- Introduction of myself

            Hello Everyone! This is my first official blog post, and it is the start of many more to come. I am Jennifer Reimann, I am currently a third year student at Penn State University majoring in Security and Risk Analysis with a concentration in Intelligence Analysis and Modeling and minoring in Psychology with an emphasis on Psychology of Fear and Stress, and Behavior Modification.  This blog was created for my SRA 397A: Crisis Informatics class, taught by Dr. Andrea Tapia. I chose to take this class to increase my knowledge in how technology plays a role in crisis response and how we, as individuals and as a nation, can improve our technologies and crisis responses to various natural and man-made crises. I am taking this class with him and one of his roommates, both of whom are excellent bullshitters, and are absolutely ridiculous. In combination with them and some of the other people in the class, this should make for an interesting class this semester.
            When I’m not on the Penn State campus, I’m usually at my place, or my boyfriend’s.  I love two of my three roommates and I like the other one, all girls that generally function well together minus when we have the same shark week. Beware male population. Luckily, my boyfriend is also my best friend and my boyfriend so we get along well, and I’ve pretty much become another roommate to the guys in his apartment. Which isn’t that bad aside from the constant belching contests, awkward comments, and other manly what-have-yous because I get along better with the male species than the female.
            While my parents are enjoying the constant weather in Florida, I am in cold, snowy, rainy Pennsylvania. As you can probably tell, I am not a fan of cold weather. I was born in Delaware, then moved to New Jersey and graduated from South River High School in Maryland one semester early. I then went to Penn State: Altoona starting Spring of 2009 for my first collegiate semester. I have one brother who is a Nursing major at Misericordia College in Pennsylvania, and “my” dog, a black miniature poodle, is at home with my parents in sunny Florida. Rocky is more like my mom’s shadow than anyone else’s dog, wherever she goes, he goes with the exception of chasing lizards and the world’s ugliest ducks ever created.
            So, what am I planning on doing with my degree from Penn State? Putting it in a frame and hanging it. Really, that’s what I’m going to DO with my degree. What am I planning on doing with the KNOWLEDGE I have gained obtaining my degree? I have no idea. I’ve worked retail, at PacSun and Target for over 3 years, and I am good at it, so I’m hoping to combine that with what I’ve learned in SRA: IAM to get into asset protection. Either that, or making my way into the tactical and operational intelligence communities, not so much the strategic intelligence communities. I am also hoping to incorporate the language I’ve been completing for my major, Russian,  into the job that I eventually find myself in. 

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