If you think about it, if you wanted to insult someone fifty years ago you had to say it to their face. Now, however, you can Tweet it, Facebook it, Tumblr it, MySpace it, and loads others... you could text it if you are that bold. If you think it about it some more, this lack of face to face interaction lets people say things via their fingers and text on a screen that they would never say in person to another's face. For example, tonight I was tweeting with two girls that I was out to dinner with and then it hit me... I would probably never say this stuff to the individual that we were talking about. I then had another thought pop into my head: "Well if I wouldn't actually say this to their face, I guess this is rude since it's kind of like smack talking behind their back, but its over Twitter." While the people I was with completely agreed with what us three were saying, it got me thinking none the less. Is Twitter and Facebook influencing my actions
this much? To the point where I would feel really mean and like a dog feels when its tail it tucked under its rear when its done something wrong and it knows it, in the event that they found our texts? Sadly, yes. I would feel like an extremely big a-hole since I would never have the cajones (however you spell that correctly) to say it in person, yet I have the audacity to send it out on Twitter like it's national news worthy. All because people I know have a disgusting habit of chewing with their mouths open... #gross. Too much? But now you see my point. Many people now say things over text, email, Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites that they would never say before.
Fifty years ago, if you wanted to end a relationship you had to meet with that person, or if you wanted to be a really big a-hole you could simply call and say "It's over."
Today, if you wanted to end a relationship you can Facebook it, text it, or email it, or if you wanted to be a really big a-hole you could simply Tweet it and say "I'm freakin #single! Done with @JohnDoe!"
Marriage ending... all recorded on Twitter by a bystander.
So do you think that technology is increasing the rudeness of our society today? And if so, do you think that we'll ever be cordial again, and do as the old phrase goes: "Treat others the way we would want to be treated" ?
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